
TheBábwasthefounderofBábiFaith,andoneofthecentralfiguresoftheBaháʼíFaith.TheBábgraduallyandprogressivelyrevealedhisclaiminhis ...,TheBábwasbornin1819inShiraz,Persiatoafamilyofmerchants.Bahá'ísbelievethatthe.BábwasanindependentMessengerofGod,whosemissionwasto ...,TheHolyBahá'íGardensarepartiallyopen,offeringvisitstotheupperbalcony,ShrineoftheBábandguidedtoursהגניםהבהאייםהקדושיםפתוחיםחלקית ...,1...


The Báb was the founder of Bábi Faith, and one of the central figures of the Baháʼí Faith. The Báb gradually and progressively revealed his claim in his ...

Bahá'í Faith

The Báb was born in 1819 in Shiraz, Persia to a family of merchants. Bahá'ís believe that the. Báb was an independent Messenger of God, whose mission was to ...

Bahá'í Gardens

The Holy Bahá'í Gardens are partially open, offering visits to the upper balcony, Shrine of the Báb and guided tours הגנים הבהאיים הקדושים פתוחים חלקית ...

Bahá'í Holy Days

1844 CE/1260 A.H. the year the Bab declared His mission marks the beginning of the Baháʼí calendar. Names of the Baháʼí years: Alif Bá' Ab (Father) Dál Báb ( ...

Baháʼí Faith

The Baháʼí Faith is a religion founded in the 19th century that teaches the essential worth of all religions and the unity of all people.

Brief history

More than 20,000 of His followers, known as Bábís, perished in a series of massacres throughout the country. The Báb Himself was publicly executed in the city ...

The Báb

This book tells the story of the Báb in simple terms with delightful colour illustrations. It has been written for children aged 5 to 7 but can also be used ...

The Bahá'í Calendar

The Báb named each of the 19 months, listed below, after certain attributes of God. The Bahá'í New Year (Naw-Rúz) is astronomically fixed, coinciding with the ...

The Origins and Practices of Holidays

2019年5月22日 — On May 23, Baha'i's around the world will celebrate the holiday known as the Declaration of the Báb. ... Baháʼí PrayersBaháʼí Prayers. a Selection ...